If you are interested in becoming a Communion Minister, please contact the Parish Office at 248-5993 and ask for the coordinator Rob Layer.
If you are interested in becoming a Lector, please contact the Parish Office at 248-5993 and ask for Rob Layer.
Lector Guidelines
Ushers treat all parishioners as our brothers and sisters in Christ. With our efforts, we hope to make every Liturgy more meaningful allowing the assembly to connect more closely with Jesus and with one another.
We wear our Name Badges for identification, and we help people find appropriate seating, especially when the Mass is well attended. The offerings of their financial treasures are collected and joined with the rest of the Offertory Gifts at the Mass. At the distribution of the Eucharist, we help direct the assembly as they process forward to their physical joining with Christ. As people exit the Mass, we make sure they have a Bulletin to keep them aware of the events happening at our Parish.
There are no formal meetings. We meet on an "as-needed" basis. When a need does arise because of changes in the Liturgy, or special events like Confirmation, a Parish Mission, etc., then Ushers are notified via e-mail or by letter.
Substitute Ushers are always needed. Holidays offer special opportunities to assist, as the Masses become quite crowded with guests from outside the Parish.
Many of our regular Ushers are also members of other committees and ministry groups. Our example of how we fulfill our duty will hopefully inspire others to join us or join another ministry at SJR.
If you are interested in being part of the Ushers' Society, please contact the Parish Office at 248-5993 and ask for the coordinator John Wessely.
Altar Servers: This ministry is for all ages (Gr. 4 and older). Families can serve together as a team.
Duties include: Serve once a month at a weekend Mass time (your choice...schedules and training are provided)
Register here
Altar Server Guidelines
Plan and implement the decorating of the Church, including the Sanctuary. Help make our worship space inspiring and beautiful! Join the decorating team for each Season.
If you are interested in helping the Art and Environment Team, please contact the Parish Office and ask for Jennifer Caruso.